Mister Cool's Clothing - Marshall, Minnesota | About the shop
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Our history

About the shop

The coolest place in town

Mister Cool’s Clothing

What makes us so cool

After leaving the army Joe Cool started his career in men’s clothing working for Ed Marcotte at Ed’s Toggery. In 1971, Joe bought the building where his grandfather had owned and operated Cool’s Tavern, and transformed it into Mister Cool’s Clothing. Later Joe’s brother Lawrence Cool came to work for Mister Cool’s clothing as well.


As a young teen Brad Cool started working part time at Mister Cool’s and continued to do so throughout high school. In 2001, Brad came to work full time with his father at Mister Cool’s Clothing. For years Brad learned the business from Joe and Larry. Eventually Brad took over the running of Mister Cool’s and after Joe’s retirement Brad became the proud owner of Mister Cool’s Clothing.
